Dreams 11
Hostage Situation and I Meet the Queen
January 22, 1999
There was a convention at the local high school that had been converted to a convention center. In the center of the building was a large common area with a glass roof. The furniture was triangular as with the theme of the room. The colour arrangement was pastel. On all sides of the common room were passages leading to other rooms. I met my husband and my youngest son in the auditorium. A Columbian dignitary was going make a speech. The auditorium was full of people and I told my husband that I felt there might be an attempt to assassinate the Columbian dignitary. My husband said he felt the same way. As soon as the dignitary came on stage there were shots fired. I threw myself and my son to the floor for cover. Then someone threw a knife and it was coming right at me but it lost its momentum and nicked me in the knee. Eventually we crawled away to hide in a kitchen. My son and I squeezed between a wall and the cupboards and my husband covered us with a baby crib mattress and then he left to investigate. After a long wait my husband came back and all the shooting was over, they had caught the group of assassins. Later there was a parade outside and my family (now including my mother and aunt) were standing together watching. We were talking about the events of the day and how lucky we’d been when the Queen came out of the building. She waved to the crowd and she waved to us and then she began to sing in French. We were amazed that she could sing so well in French and also amazed to find that she sang like my grandmother. Then I started thinking how much she also looked like my grandmother.
Hebrew Books about a Black Man
January 25, 1999
I had moved to a local street near my childhood home. I was living really near a family friend (who in waking reality died two nights ago.) A girl I knew lived across the street and we were outside talking, she had company from a neighbouring town. Her guest asked me if my mother was the psychic. When I told her she was she became really excited and went to get some spiritual books. In her books I found a story about a black man who had been well-loved in his community, he was like a Mother Teresa. Theses Hebrew letters were etched next to his name and picture, to describe him: אוא and/or אלא.
Torpid, Loci and the Holy Mary
January 31, 1999
I saw these words, Torpid, Loci and another word and a voice asked me what I was doing to unite Torpid and the other word. Then I was flashed by a light, twice, and I was told that it was Mary, the Holy Spirit, trying to penetrate me (Mind? Body?)
Wildflowers, Butterflies and the River
March 14, 1999
I was running away from a man because I had hurt his feelings but I wasn’t sure how I’d hurt him. As I was running I crossed several different sceneries or landscapes. I went through tall grass, then paved roads, then through some backyards with neatly trimmed lawns, and the further I went I realized I was getting lost. As I was running and I looked back I saw a bed of wildflowers and I remembered having seen them before in a dream or daydream (within the dream.) I immediately stopped, because I remembered that just a few feet ahead, behind some tall grass, was the river. I knew that had I continued running blindly I would have fallen in the river. What had triggered the memory was seeing the wildflowers, it turns out the flowers were really butterflies and they all took flight at once. (I actually experienced this in waking reality about a year ago. While camping I came across a large circular area that appeared to be full of flowers. When I approached I saw they were butterflies and they all flew away together.) I sat by the river and noticed the water was calm and appeared greyish blue. While sitting there I remembered what I had done to hurt the man’s feelings.
4-Key Computer Reads minds
March 19, 1999
I held a new computer that looked more like a toy. (It looked like an upturned toy truck.) It had a keyboard with just 4 keys on it. I didn’t see any paper, ink or source of power attached to it. The 4 keys each had a symbol on them: 1. looked like a circular pile of hay. 2. Looked like a square made of something that looked like pretzels. 3. Looked like a twined rope. I can’t remember the fourth. I had been pressing the keys when a technician showed up and connected a roll of paper to the computer and suddenly all my thoughts that I had been thinking while playing with the keys were being printed.
Grandma Looking for Grandpa
March 22, 1999
I was volunteering at a hospital. I went around propping pillows for patients and reading to them. I went to visit one of my regulars and I noticed she was eating an entire plate of chocolates. She was diabetic so I immediately went to get a nurse. They had to give her an intravenous (in her ankle) so she wouldn’t fall in a coma. Then she fell asleep and when I saw she would be okay I went on. I was walking down a corridor that was full of hospital beds. It was very narrow and I wondered how a bigger nurse would have difficulties going by. Suddenly I thought I saw my grandmother in a hospital bed. When I turned back to see, there was no one there but the blankets were slightly raised. I was about to leave, thinking it had been my imagination, when I saw some movement behind me. I turned around and there was my grandmother. She said she was looking for my grandfather. She explained that she was about to come back to life, I asked her where she would like to come back, and she answered New Brunswick, by the shore. She was hoping to see my grandfather before she left. I told her that he was either making preparations to return himself, or he was doing special work or he might even already be back. Then I explained to her that time didn’t actually exist and so simultaneously grandpa could be with her right now but somewhere else.
Sky Opens Up
March 24, 1999
The sky opened up once again. The clouds had been moving fast and were going from blue to grey. This caused a rumbling noise. Then one large grey cloud formed a large circle and this made much thunder and the center opened up and a voice spoke to me. (I can’t remember what I saw or what was said.)
Tar and Fire Dome
March 29, 1999
The war was really on. A big bomb that looked like a huge flying dome of tar and fire had erupted and we could see it in the sky. Everything went silent. Then a panic grew and people everywhere were running to cargo trains in the hopes of fleeing. My dog Misty ran outside and suddenly she began trembling and gasping. I thought she was dying so I took her back inside and she recovered. It was like the air had been sucked out of her lungs. I found a place to hide with my family in a basement.
January 22, 1999
There was a convention at the local high school that had been converted to a convention center. In the center of the building was a large common area with a glass roof. The furniture was triangular as with the theme of the room. The colour arrangement was pastel. On all sides of the common room were passages leading to other rooms. I met my husband and my youngest son in the auditorium. A Columbian dignitary was going make a speech. The auditorium was full of people and I told my husband that I felt there might be an attempt to assassinate the Columbian dignitary. My husband said he felt the same way. As soon as the dignitary came on stage there were shots fired. I threw myself and my son to the floor for cover. Then someone threw a knife and it was coming right at me but it lost its momentum and nicked me in the knee. Eventually we crawled away to hide in a kitchen. My son and I squeezed between a wall and the cupboards and my husband covered us with a baby crib mattress and then he left to investigate. After a long wait my husband came back and all the shooting was over, they had caught the group of assassins. Later there was a parade outside and my family (now including my mother and aunt) were standing together watching. We were talking about the events of the day and how lucky we’d been when the Queen came out of the building. She waved to the crowd and she waved to us and then she began to sing in French. We were amazed that she could sing so well in French and also amazed to find that she sang like my grandmother. Then I started thinking how much she also looked like my grandmother.
Hebrew Books about a Black Man
January 25, 1999
I had moved to a local street near my childhood home. I was living really near a family friend (who in waking reality died two nights ago.) A girl I knew lived across the street and we were outside talking, she had company from a neighbouring town. Her guest asked me if my mother was the psychic. When I told her she was she became really excited and went to get some spiritual books. In her books I found a story about a black man who had been well-loved in his community, he was like a Mother Teresa. Theses Hebrew letters were etched next to his name and picture, to describe him: אוא and/or אלא.
Torpid, Loci and the Holy Mary
January 31, 1999
I saw these words, Torpid, Loci and another word and a voice asked me what I was doing to unite Torpid and the other word. Then I was flashed by a light, twice, and I was told that it was Mary, the Holy Spirit, trying to penetrate me (Mind? Body?)
Wildflowers, Butterflies and the River
March 14, 1999
I was running away from a man because I had hurt his feelings but I wasn’t sure how I’d hurt him. As I was running I crossed several different sceneries or landscapes. I went through tall grass, then paved roads, then through some backyards with neatly trimmed lawns, and the further I went I realized I was getting lost. As I was running and I looked back I saw a bed of wildflowers and I remembered having seen them before in a dream or daydream (within the dream.) I immediately stopped, because I remembered that just a few feet ahead, behind some tall grass, was the river. I knew that had I continued running blindly I would have fallen in the river. What had triggered the memory was seeing the wildflowers, it turns out the flowers were really butterflies and they all took flight at once. (I actually experienced this in waking reality about a year ago. While camping I came across a large circular area that appeared to be full of flowers. When I approached I saw they were butterflies and they all flew away together.) I sat by the river and noticed the water was calm and appeared greyish blue. While sitting there I remembered what I had done to hurt the man’s feelings.
4-Key Computer Reads minds
March 19, 1999
I held a new computer that looked more like a toy. (It looked like an upturned toy truck.) It had a keyboard with just 4 keys on it. I didn’t see any paper, ink or source of power attached to it. The 4 keys each had a symbol on them: 1. looked like a circular pile of hay. 2. Looked like a square made of something that looked like pretzels. 3. Looked like a twined rope. I can’t remember the fourth. I had been pressing the keys when a technician showed up and connected a roll of paper to the computer and suddenly all my thoughts that I had been thinking while playing with the keys were being printed.
Grandma Looking for Grandpa
March 22, 1999
I was volunteering at a hospital. I went around propping pillows for patients and reading to them. I went to visit one of my regulars and I noticed she was eating an entire plate of chocolates. She was diabetic so I immediately went to get a nurse. They had to give her an intravenous (in her ankle) so she wouldn’t fall in a coma. Then she fell asleep and when I saw she would be okay I went on. I was walking down a corridor that was full of hospital beds. It was very narrow and I wondered how a bigger nurse would have difficulties going by. Suddenly I thought I saw my grandmother in a hospital bed. When I turned back to see, there was no one there but the blankets were slightly raised. I was about to leave, thinking it had been my imagination, when I saw some movement behind me. I turned around and there was my grandmother. She said she was looking for my grandfather. She explained that she was about to come back to life, I asked her where she would like to come back, and she answered New Brunswick, by the shore. She was hoping to see my grandfather before she left. I told her that he was either making preparations to return himself, or he was doing special work or he might even already be back. Then I explained to her that time didn’t actually exist and so simultaneously grandpa could be with her right now but somewhere else.
Sky Opens Up
March 24, 1999
The sky opened up once again. The clouds had been moving fast and were going from blue to grey. This caused a rumbling noise. Then one large grey cloud formed a large circle and this made much thunder and the center opened up and a voice spoke to me. (I can’t remember what I saw or what was said.)
Tar and Fire Dome
March 29, 1999
The war was really on. A big bomb that looked like a huge flying dome of tar and fire had erupted and we could see it in the sky. Everything went silent. Then a panic grew and people everywhere were running to cargo trains in the hopes of fleeing. My dog Misty ran outside and suddenly she began trembling and gasping. I thought she was dying so I took her back inside and she recovered. It was like the air had been sucked out of her lungs. I found a place to hide with my family in a basement.
At 7:22 a.m.,
Bernie Quigley said…
- the Cosmic Mother, as represented emerging from chaos in the convention center; - represented by the Qeuun, the older French Qeuun (Eleanor of Aquitate) – all are one spirit, including your grandmoterh and you. You are asked in the second dream, “what are you doing. . .” to unite with the Cosmic Mother. You manifest the dual nature inthese dreams; Human and Cosmic.
At 7:43 a.m.,
Bernie Quigley said…
Hebrew Books and Black Man - close to the Unconscious; not far from where the friend died. Black man sometimes does not imply race, but in the unconscious – not yet manifest in the world; an agent form the Unconscious; here with Hebrew letters.
“running away” – running from the Unconscious but looking back and seeing wildflowers and seeing it was a flight reaction. The River brings you deeper into the Unconscious and you regain equilibrium with the Guide.
4-key computer – a talisman to the Unconscious “key” to the Unconscious – the four grandfathers who hold up the world – the four-cornered Universe.
Grandma looking for Grandpa – Ankle in dreams I see sometimes represent the passing eon, Pisces, while calf represents ascending eon, Aquarius. You are wandering in the Unconsciousness, but it is the “dying’ age – (Pisces) as it is a hospital, and they have to give intravenious (in theankle) to one to keep her alive – paths are narrow; only adepts can follow. But as age dies, it is about to be reborn – your grandmother says she will be “reborn” soon – the ascending age is near. I dreamed of “the Queen” often then & called her Mrs. Brown as she was made of earth (Mrs. Brown was also the nickname of Queen Victoria).
Sky opens up – the ascending age of Aquarius is born of the sky – this is confluent with Black Elk & these dreams are very much in the same vision and pattern as Black Elks. We in North America share consciousness with First People; in a way, they are our “ancestors” as well as our own – they are our “new ancestors” or spirit guides.
Tar and Fire Dome – Outside/Inside – the Outside (Extroverted world) fails but the Insdie (Introverted world) is safe. Doggie revives when brought inside & to the Basement Outisde/Inside/Basement=Unconscious.
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