Dreams 6
June Eleventh
June 11, 1998
I was recording events (and dreams) in a diary and I wrote the date: June 11, 1887. As I was writing this date I woke up within the dream (I was still within a dream) my husband noticed the date and he told me that I had written the wrong year so I crossed it out and wrote June 11, 1987 but I realized it was 1997. (Somewhere inside I knew it was 1998.) I was recording an event that had occurred 6 or 7 days earlier on June 17 or 18th.
Dr. Bell, Mr. Lemon and the Governor
June 11, 1998
I had spoken to a friend named Mr. Lemon, who worked for a top secret government organization in the legal (Justice) department. I asked him to ask his friend in the medical department to prescribe something for my mother. This medication was difficult to come by. He referred me to the doctor and I was on my way to his office when someone approached me from behind and covered the name of the doctor; Dr. Bell, on the large brown envelope I was carrying. He told me his name should be kept hidden, it was highly confidential.
I found my way back to Mr. Lemon’s office but he was on his way out to a private meeting and Dr. Bell came to meet him. I was afraid of Dr. Bell. Then a man in a highly decorated uniform walked in. Everyone stepped aside to let him through; he was a governor or a general. He wore a black uniform with a white banner crosswise over his shoulder (like pageant banners,) white epaulettes, long boots with tassels attached to them, a large hat (like Napoleon’s hat,) and he was covered in medals. He also wore gloves and he had a sheathed sword on his right hip. He was greeting the familiar faces. When he saw me he gently took my right hand and said, “Enchanté,” and kissed the top of my hand. I smiled nervously and sort of bowed. He didn’t let go of my hand as he walked on a stage and as he climbed the stairs my hand was raised above my head. Then The Governor (as people called him) motioned for me to look up. I looked around and noticed that everyone had their hands raised and they were shouting something. The Governor let go of my hand buy I kept it raised, like the others. I didn’t shout anything but I kept thinking about the Nazi salute and wondering if that is what I was doing and I felt like a hypocrite and a traitor for not lowering my hand out of ignorance and fear.
Later I was at a friend’s house talking about her new place. She said she liked it but was lonely away from her grandchildren. We were just chatting when suddenly The Governor showed up with Dr. Bell. They wanted to interrogate me. The doctor wanted to kill me but The Governor stopped him. Then my friend Mr. Lemon showed up and I was hopeful but then I saw he was helpless. The Governor was polite but I detected sarcasm and felt like I was being coerced. I felt like I had been set up.
Three Planets and the Moon
June 11, 1998
I was in the backyard with my husband and the sky was bright. It was daytime but the moon was visible in the Eastern hemisphere. (I saw the 3 planets again but they were not in the exact location as in the prior dream.) All 3 planets were larger than the full moon and in the daytime sky they appeared white. One planet was just below the moon, one was beside it towards the right, and the 3rd planet was below the one on the right. Further right there were many clouds and above these clouds were faster moving clouds.
June 11, 1998
I was recording events (and dreams) in a diary and I wrote the date: June 11, 1887. As I was writing this date I woke up within the dream (I was still within a dream) my husband noticed the date and he told me that I had written the wrong year so I crossed it out and wrote June 11, 1987 but I realized it was 1997. (Somewhere inside I knew it was 1998.) I was recording an event that had occurred 6 or 7 days earlier on June 17 or 18th.
Dr. Bell, Mr. Lemon and the Governor
June 11, 1998
I had spoken to a friend named Mr. Lemon, who worked for a top secret government organization in the legal (Justice) department. I asked him to ask his friend in the medical department to prescribe something for my mother. This medication was difficult to come by. He referred me to the doctor and I was on my way to his office when someone approached me from behind and covered the name of the doctor; Dr. Bell, on the large brown envelope I was carrying. He told me his name should be kept hidden, it was highly confidential.
I found my way back to Mr. Lemon’s office but he was on his way out to a private meeting and Dr. Bell came to meet him. I was afraid of Dr. Bell. Then a man in a highly decorated uniform walked in. Everyone stepped aside to let him through; he was a governor or a general. He wore a black uniform with a white banner crosswise over his shoulder (like pageant banners,) white epaulettes, long boots with tassels attached to them, a large hat (like Napoleon’s hat,) and he was covered in medals. He also wore gloves and he had a sheathed sword on his right hip. He was greeting the familiar faces. When he saw me he gently took my right hand and said, “Enchanté,” and kissed the top of my hand. I smiled nervously and sort of bowed. He didn’t let go of my hand as he walked on a stage and as he climbed the stairs my hand was raised above my head. Then The Governor (as people called him) motioned for me to look up. I looked around and noticed that everyone had their hands raised and they were shouting something. The Governor let go of my hand buy I kept it raised, like the others. I didn’t shout anything but I kept thinking about the Nazi salute and wondering if that is what I was doing and I felt like a hypocrite and a traitor for not lowering my hand out of ignorance and fear.
Later I was at a friend’s house talking about her new place. She said she liked it but was lonely away from her grandchildren. We were just chatting when suddenly The Governor showed up with Dr. Bell. They wanted to interrogate me. The doctor wanted to kill me but The Governor stopped him. Then my friend Mr. Lemon showed up and I was hopeful but then I saw he was helpless. The Governor was polite but I detected sarcasm and felt like I was being coerced. I felt like I had been set up.
Three Planets and the Moon
June 11, 1998
I was in the backyard with my husband and the sky was bright. It was daytime but the moon was visible in the Eastern hemisphere. (I saw the 3 planets again but they were not in the exact location as in the prior dream.) All 3 planets were larger than the full moon and in the daytime sky they appeared white. One planet was just below the moon, one was beside it towards the right, and the 3rd planet was below the one on the right. Further right there were many clouds and above these clouds were faster moving clouds.
At 8:49 a.m.,
Bernie Quigley said…
“Dr. Bell, Mr. Lemon and the Governor”: What I like about this dream it that it tells the story of the Western world in its entirety in the past 600 years with the rise of the Power Principle (Yang, father, corporation, bureaucracy) which can only rise in opposition to the Love Principle (Yin, mother, family, nature). It can be sized up in this phrase: Mother is Sick. The essence of Old Europe and the Christian Age (the Age of Pisces, begun with the light over Bethlehem & the arrival of the Three Celestial Ones to the cave) can be seen in the same picture which dominated Europe for 1,000 years from 400 AD to 1,400 AD (Miss3 – this can be seen as the rise and fall of the Templars age and place as well; Ile de la Cite in Paris form the rise of Clovis to the execution of the Templars – the Secret Society perhaps of which you dream – recall Jung’s essential dream of being a Knight with a red cross on his shield; it was as well the same “secret society” – the sign of the Templars). That Picture is Madonna and Child.
In this picture the Divine Mother/Earth Mother represents the Earth. The Baby Jesus represents the human race. This formed the Yin/Yang of Christendom. Notice, however, that Mother (the Earth) always dominated Child (Human Race) lest Man dominate Earth. Pisces was a Yin age and Earth/Mother dominated – so it went until the 1500s. As the Power Principle (Yang) rose it dominated the Mother. Michelangelo clearly, intentionally, illustrates this in his work on commission from his “Warrior Pope” who extended Christian expansionism and imperialism globally. In His Madonna of Bruges, he has the Divine Mother place the Baby on the ground to walk – “better to serve” his Warrior Pope. In the Sistine Chapel the Male Principle ascends to the sky - a muscular red-haired Jesus, virtually casting the Mother away and discarding her in contempt.
Mozart’s “Magic Flute” well expresses this principle of the Renaissance; the Cosmic Father rising above the Cosmic Mother. – the protagonist Tamino, entering life’s journey, leaves behind the Cosmic Yin principle – the Mother here is Dark; Kali, the Death Mother, surrounded by zodiac stars. He joins instead with the Cosmic Yang principle (Sarastro, the “wise” priest of Isis and Osiris) – in language of the play, "The sun's rays drive away the night, destroy the evil power of the dissembler” – that would be Earth Mother.
The Mother cannot be well while Napoleon reigns. “Bell, Lemon, Governor” characterize the Three Visitors who accompany the avatar – in this magnificent play, they appear in a ship in the sky to advise Tamino (avatar of the Enlightenment), guiding him from Cosmic Mother to Cosmic Father.
This is history of then to now; the history of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. The Baby Jesus, alone, rising to the sky without Mother, brings detachment, egomania, confusion and schizophrenia to the human race. The Male Principle rises instead to a new avatar; well pictured here as a caricature of Napoleon, who was indeed the embodiment of Enlightenment (Dark, but perhaps its Darkest Characterization was yet to come and perhaps we have not yet seen it).
My feeling is that you have comprehensive dreams like this one – and Cosmic Dreams Dreams like others in this list is because you personally hold to and embody the Mother. But there is something else. In its history, Canadians have not broken with the Mother in entirety as Americans have. The Queen is in mythical terms Mother Incarnate, archetype of the Earth Mother & the Triple Goddess reigning back into antiquity. The American Revolution (and the French) break with the Mother and identify instead with Tamino, the avatar of the Power Principle. I have seen this full gift in an Australian woman as well – also subject to the Queen, but not in Americans.
A man I admire greatly here in the U.S. (that would be Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s chief of staff) says we in America are an “evolutionary” society and not a “revolutionary” society. I hope he is right, but I think he is wrong. There may be no hope of Returning to Ourselves (as my Book of Common Prayer asks us to do) to those who have broken with the Mother.
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